Here is a cute idea for your little ones to do around Christmas time! I don't know about y'all, but I'm incredibly OCD about my decorations around the house... and the tree. Jocelyn likes to put everything all in one place. I had to constantly tell her to move stuff around last year while we were decorating our tree. And I still went behind her later on to move different things to empty spots on our tree. (I know, I'm bad! lol)
Anyway, I found this and thought it was an adorable idea to try out this year!
It is a felt Christmas tree for your kids to decorate however they please!!
I don't have a link for this to give you further information, I stumbled onto it on my Facebook and couldn't find a link through that.
BUT... It looks easy, right!?
Get a large piece of green felt and cut it out in the shape of a tree then tack it onto your wall, with thumbtacks or maybe some fun-tack (that's the blue stuff you use to put up the glow in the dark stars with.) Then cut out ornaments of various colors in felt, and maybe some packages like they have here, and let the kids go to town! You could even do this for multiple children! Have them put up in each of their rooms and let them decorate them or something.
I'm taking mine a step further....
I'm thinking I'm going to use a big poster board for the tree. And the ornaments..... Well, you know all those strips and squares of wrapping paper that you have left over, the ones that are just too small to do anything with? Yeah, those.
I'm cutting out "ornaments" using those scraps!! Now I have a use for them!!! And the "ornaments" will be so much more fun for the kids to put up on their tree... They'll be sparkly, and shiny, and colorful!
I've been able to already start cutting out my circles for Jocelyn's tree because I'm wrapping empty boxes as props for my Christmas photo shoots for kids. So, I've been taking some of those and just cutting different sized circles out of them.
I can't wait to show Joc! She's going to be so excited!
I have solved two problems here... I love it! 1. "What to do with those wrapping paper scraps?"
and 2. "How do I let the kids decorate their own way?"
Give it a try! I'm sure it'll be a fun new holiday tradition for your kiddos! :)
- Stephanie
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