I have been nominated for the Sunshine Award!! I'm excited! I have loved this community, the blogger community, so much so far and I can't wait to see and write about everything else I have planned!!
Thank you to Sarah Green from MOTHERfluff for nominating me along with some other awesome bloggers!! It really means a lot to me! :)
As a nominee of the Sunshine Award I'm to answer ten questions... Here we go!!
1. What is your blog about and why did you start blogging?
My blog is about being a mom when it comes down to it. I've only just started this adventure and I haven't had a lot of time to start really expanding my entries to everything I have planned for it. It's about being a mother, being crafty, thrifty, it's about God, being organized, being clean, it's about cooking, birthdays and parties. It's about life and all the wondrous things you can do with the short amount of time you have here!
I started blogging because I wanted to, honestly. I wanted to see if I liked it, if I could do it well... I love it so far! I want to share stories with other people and to inspire them to do anything they want to do!
2. When did you decided that you wanted to start blogging?
I had been considering it for a long time and had been wanting to get into it. I was following so many different blogs, thanks to Pinterest, and it just looked so great to be able to share anything and everything you wanted with people all across the world! I didn't start blogging until this past September, though. Saturday, September 14, 2013, was my first official blog post!
3. What is one thing you would like to most change about the world?
Hm.... That's a tough question. Everyone would immediately jump to "world peace." But there's so much else that needs fixing. I'd have to say it'd be the ignorance of our Lord throughout the world. I would love to spread the word of God across the whole planet, for everyone out there that's hurting or alone to know that they aren't alone... They always have someone looking over them and that it'll get better because of Him. Because he fixes ALL things!
4. If you could offer a newborn child one piece of advice, what would it be?
I really have no idea.... There are a number of things I could tell them. I guess it'd be to mind their parents, plain and simple. If they did that they'd have a pretty easy life ahead of them.
5. If dreams didn't fail, what dream would you like to live out?
Gosh... so many of my dreams have really kind of come true. I know that sounds so cliche, but it's really true! I don't wish for much more these days. :)
I'd have to say it'd be to be able to travel the world any time I wanted to! I'd have the money, resources, knowledge, and company to do it! We could just pack up one day and go off on an adventure, not having anything planned further than where we're to stay!
6. When do you typically like to blog?
In the evening time. After Jocelyn's in bed, usually. I'm either waiting on Jacob to get home from work or he's here and we're "watching" TV together. (Normally he's reading and I'm fiddling on my laptop... doing this!)
7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Oh my gosh!!! I'm really, really torn between two places here! I went on a trip through part of Europe with GSUSA (Girl Scouts of America) right after I graduated high school. (I mean right after... like, the next day after I graduated!) We went to a number of places, and I loved them all so so much, but two really captured my heart and soul! I'd travel between the two places, every other year or something like that...
London, England being the first. I had wanted to visit that city for forever! And it completely lived up to my dreams! I fell in love with this city! It was so amazing... yes, it was wet and dirty and dingy, but I LOVED it! I'd move there in a heart beat if I could.
The second place is Interlaken, Switzerland. Not many people know of this cute little town... of if you do then you know of it because of the hostel there known as Backpackers. This was the most gorgeous place I've ever seen! The river that ran through it, to the lake, was a bright bright blue! The whole town was just so picturesque! It looked like something you'd find on a postcard! I adore that city with all my soul!!!
8. What do you hope to accomplish with your blog?
I believe I kind of covered this up in one of the above questions... But, I want to inspire people and to be able to help them. I want to share stories and meet people.
9. Would you like to write a book? If so, what would it be about?
I had thought about doing that a long time ago, when I was a kid really. I still like the idea of it... I love to read and write! I'm not sure what it'd be about, though. Probably a children's book of some sort. Fiction, of course. Something cute and fun. A book that your child want to read it again and again!
10. Where do you find inspiration?
Everywhere, everyone.... My husband inspires me. My daughter. My God. Photography. Reading books. My mom. I think my sister inspires me most of all, though. She is truly an amazing person. She's only 18, she's just started college. She's attending Highlands College here in Birmingham... It's a ministry school. She has gone through so much in her short little life and yet... She is stead-fast in her faith! She never seems to falter when it comes to her faith and what she believes in. She is a very beautiful, and talented young lady... I hope to be half as good as she is in her faith some day, because trust me I'm not... I can use some work. I do believe in God and that he has a plan, but my sister is just one of those people that only come along once in a life time. She's so devout, I must admit I'm a bit jealous. :)
I'd say she inspires me the most for sure... I look to her and see who I want to be, how I want to be, how I want my family to be! (Love you, Stacey)
(Whew... Done!)
Now it's my turn to nominate a few fellow bloggers out there!! I'm nominating these people because I really enjoy what their blogs are about and find them fun to read and helpful!
And the nominees are....
There are few rules that come along with the nomination of the Sunshine Award...
1. Include Award Logo in or on your blog post
2. Link to the person who nominated you
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself
4. Nominate other bloggers to give this award to
Here are your 10 questions ladies:
1. What is your blog about?
2. How or why did you start blogging?
3. What has been your most favorite blog post so far?
4. If you could spend the day with a famous person (dead or alive), who would it be and why?
5. What are your goals for your blog?
6. Who inspires you the most and why?
7. What is your favorite book?
8. How did you come up with the name for your blog?
9. What is your dream job?
10. If you could get rid of one thing in this world, what would it be?
I can't wait to read everyone's answers!!
Shine on bloggers!!!
- Stephanie