Sunday, October 6, 2013

Toddler Sized Chore Ideas

I found this on Pinterest a while back and have slowly incorporating it into my 4-year-old's life style... And it's really working! At this age in the game they're all so eager to help with anything and everything and it's so hard to let them some times because they just don't do it all quite like it should be done. BUT we need to try and find things for them to do to help because soon enough they won't want to help any more and it'll be like pulling teeth to get them to do anything for us!

This website has a list of suggested chores that the little ones can do to help around the house! I love these ideas. Some of them I'd never even thought of to try! Such as wiping down the toilet and sink (We haven't tried that one yet, not so sure we will for a while.) and vacuuming (we haven't tried this one yet, either.)
The list has other simpler things on it as well, such as; folding small laundry items, clearing the dining table, putting away their laundry, and watering the plants! These things can be so simple, but so helpful to a you on a busy day! And they might not do them right the first time! My little girl sure didn't with putting away her cloths! I gave her a small stack of shirts told her which drawer to put them in and she went.... I went after her to watch and correct if I needed to. (I needed to.) She kinda threw them into her drawer and then just smiled. We fixed it pretty easily and now she puts them away without wrinkling them all up again!
She helps with multiple things off of the list, I love it and so does she! She really feels like she's doing something super important for me when she helps around here with her chores! I'm glad she does, too. Maybe it'll carry through to later when she's older.

So, the full list of chores can be found here:

I would recommend picking two of the easier ones for your little ones and have them start out with those for about two weeks. Show them how to do them, help them the first few times... you know the drill! After the first two weeks, add on another one or two for them to start doing and keep going from there with them!
We're to the point now that Jocelyn has a "chore chart" that I made for her and she puts stickers on it when she does a chore on her own. Once she reaches a certain number she gets a small allowance for being so helpful!
 Give these a try! They'll really be helpful and rewarding to your kids to try them!!

- Stephanie

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