Saturday, December 7, 2013

Holiday Wreath

I'm sure you all have seen those oh so pretty ornament wreaths around this time of year before. And they do look slightly intimidating to put together... But they aren't!! All you need is the right tutorial to follow and work off of and you're set to go! Luckily I found a good one! :)

I made this one here a few weeks ago for a friend... It was so easy and kinda fun!

Here's what you'll need for this project:
1. hot glue gun
2. ornaments of any colors you choose, small and large
3. a wire wreath, found at Wal-mart for about $3.00
4. ribbon
5. some patience... I messed this one up pretty good while putting it together.
Oh, and a large workspace.. I used my floor.

Step 1. lay out your wreath and place the ornaments around the edges to get a visual of how you want it to look in the end. Don't worry about the space, it'll be there, but you can cover it up. You'll also need somewhere to place your ribbon. :)

Oh, and you probably won't use all the ornaments you lay out around your wreath... I think you have 3 extra by the time your done. You don't want to cram them together and possibly break.

Step 2. Repeat step one for the inner circle to view it as well.

Step 3. Begin gluing! Apply liberally... you can't have enough on the ornaments, really!

What I did on the outer rim was view the ornament on the wreath and then carefully figure where to put the glue so it'd stay. I glued them down to the first circle and to the second one on the inside. So you'd glue the rim of the ornament's hanger and then a little on the ball itself. Some times gluing the ornaments together was needed for more stability.

Here is the outer circle all glued down!

Step 4. Glue your inner circle.

For these I only glued the balls to the first inner circle on the wreath and then to each other around the rim. I wanted my wreath to look a bit bigger, so I decided not to glue down the ornaments till they were pressed into the outer rim of ornaments.

Both edges all glued together finally!

Step 5. (The fun part!!) Place all the rest of the ornaments onto your wreath to see how it all looks!

These are unglued here. Be sure to cover your gaps when doing this. Once you have placed all your large ornaments where you like them (I tried to place mine in larger spots to cover up), place your smaller ones around to fill in the left over holes! 

Step 6. Once this is done begin gluing them all down! I didn't remove my ornaments and start fresh from the previous stage. I simply started somewhere that wouldn't disturb my wreath much and began gluing where I needed to until I had worked my way around the whole wreath. I would simply glue one large ball at a time and then proceed to the smaller ones around that one and repeat!

Here is my wreath! :)
I wish I had taken a photo of the wreath I made for my mom... I think it's been my favorite so far to make! It was made with deep red and gold ornaments, it looked like Gryffindor's house colors for those that are familiar with the world of Harry Potter!

I wish you all good luck on your holiday projects and wreaths!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Christmas Trees for Toddlers

Here is a cute idea for your little ones to do around Christmas time! I don't know about y'all, but I'm incredibly OCD about my decorations around the house... and the tree. Jocelyn likes to put everything all in one place. I had to constantly tell her to move stuff around last year while we were decorating our tree. And I still went behind her later on to move different things to empty spots on our tree. (I know, I'm bad! lol)
Anyway, I found this and thought it was an adorable idea to try out this year!

It is a felt Christmas tree for your kids to decorate however they please!!
I don't have a link for this to give you further information, I stumbled onto it on my Facebook and couldn't find a link through that.
BUT... It looks easy, right!? 
Get a large piece of green felt and cut it out in the shape of a tree then tack it onto your wall, with thumbtacks or maybe some fun-tack (that's the blue stuff you use to put up the glow in the dark stars with.) Then cut out ornaments of various colors in felt, and maybe some packages like they have here, and let the kids go to town! You could even do this for multiple children! Have them put up in each of their rooms and let them decorate them or something.

I'm taking mine a step further....
I'm thinking I'm going to use a big poster board for the tree. And the ornaments..... Well, you know all those strips and squares of wrapping paper that you have left over, the ones that are just too small to do anything with? Yeah, those.
I'm cutting out "ornaments" using those scraps!! Now I have a use for them!!! And the "ornaments" will be so much more fun for the kids to put up on their tree... They'll be sparkly, and shiny, and colorful!
I've been able to already start cutting out my circles for Jocelyn's tree because I'm wrapping empty boxes as props for my Christmas photo shoots for kids. So, I've been taking some of those and just cutting different sized circles out of them.
I can't wait to show Joc! She's going to be so excited!

I have solved two problems here... I love it! 1. "What to do with those wrapping paper scraps?" 
and 2. "How do I let the kids decorate their own way?"

Give it a try! I'm sure it'll be a fun new holiday tradition for your kiddos! :)

- Stephanie

Monday, November 11, 2013

Be Thankful

I discoverd a link on Pinterest just a few days ago... Did the normal thing, you know, Pin it and decided to read it later on, then keep scrolling. Well, I gave it a look through "later on."
It was a Pin on Thanksgiving mason jar crafts. Some of them were very neat, some of them not so much. I did, however find one that struck me! :)

A "Count your Blessings jar!" This is so awesome! (In my opinion.) I LOVE the Thanksgiving holiday! I don't think people give it enough time or credit anymore... I mean really!! Black Friday sales at Walmart last year kicked off around 8PM where I live.
Nobody gives this amazing holiday any time anymore... It's so sad! My family and I tend to go big for this holiday, too... tons of amazing, traditional, foods and lots of laughter around our table is how my night goes!
(I'm bad here, y'all.... I did go to the BF sale that started at 8. I know, I know. BUT who can resist all those sweet, sweet deals??? Especially with children involved! And the sad thing is, is that I'll likely go again this year at an early time in the evening.)

Anyway, THIS fun idea is something really great that I think could make your holiday so much more special this year. Take a jar, past a sheet of paper on it with instructions, have some card stock cut out for your family to write on, and you're done!
This jar is to be set out somewhere in your holiday atmosphere and have the cards next to it for everyone there to write on them something or some things that they are thankful for! Then you get the joy of reading the allowed at the dinner table over your fabulous feast with your family!
I'm so making this happen! It might even happen every year from now on! :)
Here is the link for where I found it, it also has the decorative printable for the mason jar for you! 
I hope that you find this fun holiday craft inspiring and motivates you to make your own for your families this year! We need to pay more attention to what we're thankful for, and to this wondrous holiday, that is upon us!


Saturday, November 9, 2013

All Smiles

Here's something absolutely adorable that you could do with your kiddos to celebrate fall/Thanksgiving, courtesy of: The Kids Activity Blog!!

Aren't these guys just too cute!!! And all you need are some festive looking leaves, a marker, some googly eyes, and some glue! You could so easily make these as Thanksgiving decorations for the kids tables or to leave around the house for your guests to admire and for you kids to brag to them about! :)


Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Baby Book Alternative

It has been an incredibly busy week this past week!!! I am so glad for it to be done. I hope that you all had a spooktacular Halloween holiday! We certainly did here! Enjoyed a fun, yet rainy, night filled with some awesome company, great food, and tons of candy!! Jocelyn seriously racked up this year! 
She did only get one vanilla tootsie roll, which made me very sad... I love those things and this is really the only time of the year that I get to enjoy them!

I have recently started writing in a journal... Not just any journal, but a journal to my sweet 4-year-old! She has been deprived of a baby book since she was born and that's really bothered me since I found out. Had I known her's wasn't up to date sooner I could have taken up the task of filling in everything, but it's just too late at this point to really be able to fill in everything. There were many things I didn't know to be able to fill in unfortunately. So. I'm making a journal for her! I don't think I've ever heard of anyone else every doing this for their child, but I thoroughly love this idea! I started it back at the beginning of October and have put in a good couple of entries thus far!
I've tried to write something in it once a week at the very least so far. I've wrote about some of her favorite things currently, and how me and her dad met, and a few other important past events that she should be able to know about. I also wrote updates on things that are happening her life that are special and exciting! Like how she started adding numbers for me the other day!! I couldn't believe it, she's four and can add numbers! It was seriously such a proud moment for me!
Starting this project has been such a rewarding thing for me to do for her! I've loved this so far... It feels so good to be able to share all these stories with her on paper for her to be able to read later on! I'm going to try and continue writing about special events in her life and then other stories I feel she should know about. The last one I wrote was about the man God intends for her to marry and how amazing he's going to be for her when they meet.
I plan on giving this book to her as a gift when she's older. Either as an 18th or 21st birthday present or as an engagement present for when she does finally meet that man God has made for her! I think this will be a million times better than having a baby book for her to look through when she's older!! :)


Friday, October 25, 2013


Be generous.
 At church we are currently working through this series...Generous.
It's really been moving me lately, like, seriously! I LOVE to give!! I am so much more of a giver than receiver. Now, don't get me wrong I thoroughly love presents of all kinds, but something really warms my heart when I GIVE someone a gift! That might be partly why Christmas time is my favorite time of the year... Everyone joins the giving party!

This generosity "bug" is everywhere... Just last night I saw something on national news about people paying it forward. They were giving! It was about a phenomenon that is sweeping our nation, people paying for others food orders in the drive-thru line. 
For those who don't live here in the great city, Birmingham, and don't know about COTH (Church of the Highlands) let me explain something for ya. Our pastor pushes this one thing year round and that's to perform random acts of kindness across our city and state. We give out these card...
Those. :) And we leave these cards for people after we've performed a random act of kindness for them. You could pay for their meal, their coffee, leave them a huge tip at your table, the ideas are limitless! These cards are literally everywhere in this city, especially this time of year!
I LOVE THESE CARDS!!! They warm my heart!!!

So, this series at church is seriously moving me to start really going the extra mile, where I can and start acting out some super acts of random kindness for people! Within the first service I was scribbling down some ideas to do. I really want to wait till after Halloween for a lot of them... My first one that came to mind that I really want to do is to bake some cookies and brownies (I want to make like a couple tray fulls) and I'm going to go drop them off in a hospital waiting area with some of these cards! I'm not talking about, like, the ones for people who are just in there for a "mild" something (I don't really think anything's mild when in the hospital, though), but for those people who have someone that may not last the week. The families in the ICU waiting rooms and the burn centers.... the ones who NEED all the uplifting and prayer they can get!
My mom did this when I was a kid as well and it's really stuck with me. I'm going to do this! I can't wait, I get excited just talking about it!!
If you're interested in checking out the "Generous" series with Church of the Highlands please, please do!!! You can watch all the messages so far here: Generous Series

I challenge you to do the same! To go out and perform random acts of kindness all across your city this holiday season! You don't have to do anything huge... Just buy someone's coffee that's in line behind you! That's all it takes! You'll feel amazing and you'll have made that person's day. :)
Seriously... Try it just once if you haven't ever. There are so many other people out there that are struggling and need help and are worse off than others... Doing things like this makes me remember that and makes me even more grateful for all that I have!
Leave someone some love. :)


Friday, October 18, 2013

Sunshine Award!! :)

I have been nominated for the Sunshine Award!! I'm excited! I have loved this community, the blogger community, so much so far and I can't wait to see and write about everything else I have planned!!
Thank you to Sarah Green from MOTHERfluff for nominating me along with some other awesome bloggers!! It really means a lot to me! :)

As a nominee of the Sunshine Award I'm to answer ten questions... Here we go!!

1. What is your blog about and why did you start blogging?
My blog is about being a mom when it comes down to it. I've only just started this adventure and I haven't had a lot of time to start really expanding my entries to everything I have planned for it. It's about being a mother, being crafty, thrifty, it's about God, being organized, being clean, it's about cooking, birthdays and parties. It's about life and all the wondrous things you can do with the short amount of time you have here!
I started blogging because I wanted to, honestly. I wanted to see if I liked it, if I could do it well... I love it so far! I want to share stories with other people and to inspire them to do anything they want to do!

2. When did you decided that you wanted to start blogging?
I had been considering it for a long time and had been wanting to get into it. I was following so many different blogs, thanks to Pinterest, and it just looked so great to be able to share anything and everything you wanted with people all across the world! I didn't start blogging until this past September, though. Saturday, September 14, 2013, was my first official blog post!

 3. What is one thing you would like to most change about the world?
 Hm.... That's a tough question. Everyone would immediately jump to "world peace." But there's so much else that needs fixing. I'd have to say it'd be the ignorance of our Lord throughout the world. I would love to spread the word of God across the whole planet, for everyone out there that's hurting or alone to know that they aren't alone... They always have someone looking over them and that it'll get better because of Him. Because he fixes ALL things!

4. If you could offer a newborn child one piece of advice, what would it be?
 I really have no idea.... There are a number of things I could tell them. I guess it'd be to mind their parents, plain and simple. If they did that they'd have a pretty easy life ahead of them.

 5. If dreams didn't fail, what dream would you like to live out?
 Gosh... so many of my dreams have really kind of come true. I know that sounds so cliche, but it's really true! I don't wish for much more these days. :)
I'd have to say it'd be to be able to travel the world any time I wanted to! I'd have the money, resources, knowledge, and company to do it! We could just pack up one day and go off on an adventure, not having anything planned further than where we're to stay!

6. When do you typically like to blog?
 In the evening time. After Jocelyn's in bed, usually. I'm either waiting on Jacob to get home from work or he's here and we're "watching" TV together. (Normally he's reading and I'm fiddling on my laptop... doing this!)

7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Oh my gosh!!! I'm really, really torn between two places here! I went on a trip through part of Europe with GSUSA (Girl Scouts of America) right after I graduated high school. (I mean right after... like, the next day after I graduated!) We went to a number of places, and I loved them all so so much, but two really captured my heart and soul! I'd travel between the two places, every other year or something like that... 
London, England being the first. I had wanted to visit that city for forever! And it completely lived up to my dreams! I fell in love with this city! It was so amazing... yes, it was wet and dirty and dingy, but I LOVED it! I'd move there in a heart beat if I could.
The second place is Interlaken, Switzerland. Not many people know of this cute little town... of if you do then you know of it because of the hostel there known as Backpackers. This was the most gorgeous place I've ever seen! The river that ran through it, to the lake, was a bright bright blue! The whole town was just so picturesque! It looked like something you'd find on a postcard! I adore that city with all my soul!!!

8. What do you hope to accomplish with your blog?
I believe I kind of covered this up in one of the above questions... But, I want to inspire people and to be able to help them. I want to share stories and meet people.

9.  Would you like to write a book? If so, what would it be about?
I had thought about doing that a long time ago, when I was a kid really. I still like the idea of it... I love to read and write! I'm not sure what it'd be about, though. Probably a children's book of some sort. Fiction, of course. Something cute and fun. A book that your child want to read it again and again!

10. Where do you find inspiration?
Everywhere, everyone.... My husband inspires me. My daughter. My God. Photography. Reading books. My mom. I think my sister inspires me most of all, though. She is truly an amazing person. She's only 18, she's just started college. She's attending Highlands College here in Birmingham... It's a ministry school. She has gone through so much in her short little life and yet... She is stead-fast in her faith! She never seems to falter when it comes to her faith and what she believes in. She is a very beautiful, and talented young lady... I hope to be half as good as she is in her faith some day, because trust me I'm not... I can use some work. I do believe in God and that he has a plan, but my sister is just one of those people that only come along once in a life time. She's so devout, I must admit I'm a bit jealous. :)
I'd say she inspires me the most for sure... I look to her and see who I want to be, how I want to be, how I want my family to be! (Love you, Stacey)

(Whew... Done!)

Now it's my turn to nominate a few fellow bloggers out there!! I'm nominating these people because I really enjoy what their blogs are about and find them fun to read and helpful!
And the nominees are....

There are few rules that come along with the nomination of the Sunshine Award... 
1. Include Award Logo in or on your blog post
2. Link to the person who nominated you
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself
4. Nominate other bloggers to give this award to 
Here are your 10 questions ladies:
1. What is your blog about?
2. How or why did you start blogging?
3. What has been your most favorite blog post so far?
4. If you could spend the day with a famous person (dead or alive), who would it be and why?
5. What are your goals for your blog?
6.  Who inspires you the most and why?
7. What is your favorite book?
8. How did you come up with the name for your blog?
9. What is your dream job?
10. If you could get rid of one thing in this world, what would it be?

I can't wait to read everyone's answers!!
Shine on bloggers!!!
- Stephanie

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Candyland Kind of Halloween

Such cute ideas to add to your Halloween parties this season!! I adore the skeletons they made here! Maybe some of these will inspire y'all to get super creative with your Halloween festivities!! This is from a "Halloween Candyland" party on Catch My Party!! The rest of the photos on there are to die for!!! Seriously wish I had thought of this one first... I love the party theme and their decorations for it are so cute! I am loving all the bright colors they used here, too!

Go check out the rest of these incredible decorations here:


Sofia the First

I just ran across these on Money Saving Mom... I can't wait to show Jocelyn!! She LOVES Sofia the First!!! She so wanted to be Sofia for Halloween this year, but when we went to pick out her costume the Party City we went to was sold out of her costume! (She was really heartbroken over it.)
It was resolved when she saw how cute she was in the Izzy costume from "Jake and the Neverland Pirates"... Izzy it is! I also told her she could probably wear Izzy to her pirate birthday party in a few months, that really got her attention!!

Anyway, here's the link:
It has all of your typical worksheets for number and letters, sound recognition, shapes and colors, and cutting and so on... And it's all Sofia themed!!! Super cute for your little girls out there that want to be princesses like Sofia!
I hope you enjoy these cute activities with your little ones!


Monday, October 14, 2013

Halloween Updates!

Okay, like I promised.... Here are some of my photos from all my Halloween decorations that I said I would share. I decorated on last Tuesday and it took me a good while, mainly because I had to detail clean the stairwell for the rats to go up!! But I enjoyed it and love how everything turned out!!
I hope your homes are filled with festive decor as well! :)

 I "made" cookies to celebrate!
 I adore mini pumpkins... They're so cute and kind of timeless seeming in a way. :)
 My full potions brew kit!!! I love this piece!

 I did have some store bought ones that I'd had and just added to the home-made ones for some color!

 I love my ghosts! Both bought at Wal-Mart for under $3!!!

 The jar is one of those "pet bat" things... Joc loves it! It's really cute!

 My place settings!
 Full table view for the holidays!

 One of many glitter webs I have!

I really like how my stairs turned out!! :)


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Inspiration in the Midst of "The End"

This is Heather's story... She was given 15 months to live after being diagnosed with Mesothelioma, and she had just given birth to her tiny bundle of joy, Lily! It's been 7 years... SEVEN YEARS since then and she's still here!!! Alive, well, happy, and stronger than ever!

This video is 3 and half minutes long... That's it! It won't even feel that long while you're watching it! Please, please check this video out! (You won't regret it!!!) Listen to her story and understand how amazing it is that she's still here, 7 years later!! This story will leave you feeling inspired, hopeful, and empowered!! Heather is truly a miracle and has a huge heart! Help her spread her story, help her spread awareness for others suffering from this same type of cancer, and help spread the word about Mesothelioma!!
SHARE THIS VIDEO!!! Google it, Facebook it, Tweet it, Youtube it, share it!!!!!

If you don't really understand or known what Mesothelioma is check out this website for some more info on how horrible this cancer really is!

Thank you, Heather, for being so brave and strong and for giving others hope in the face of the end! Thank you for sharing your story with others!!

- Stephanie

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Toddler Sized Chore Ideas

I found this on Pinterest a while back and have slowly incorporating it into my 4-year-old's life style... And it's really working! At this age in the game they're all so eager to help with anything and everything and it's so hard to let them some times because they just don't do it all quite like it should be done. BUT we need to try and find things for them to do to help because soon enough they won't want to help any more and it'll be like pulling teeth to get them to do anything for us!

This website has a list of suggested chores that the little ones can do to help around the house! I love these ideas. Some of them I'd never even thought of to try! Such as wiping down the toilet and sink (We haven't tried that one yet, not so sure we will for a while.) and vacuuming (we haven't tried this one yet, either.)
The list has other simpler things on it as well, such as; folding small laundry items, clearing the dining table, putting away their laundry, and watering the plants! These things can be so simple, but so helpful to a you on a busy day! And they might not do them right the first time! My little girl sure didn't with putting away her cloths! I gave her a small stack of shirts told her which drawer to put them in and she went.... I went after her to watch and correct if I needed to. (I needed to.) She kinda threw them into her drawer and then just smiled. We fixed it pretty easily and now she puts them away without wrinkling them all up again!
She helps with multiple things off of the list, I love it and so does she! She really feels like she's doing something super important for me when she helps around here with her chores! I'm glad she does, too. Maybe it'll carry through to later when she's older.

So, the full list of chores can be found here:

I would recommend picking two of the easier ones for your little ones and have them start out with those for about two weeks. Show them how to do them, help them the first few times... you know the drill! After the first two weeks, add on another one or two for them to start doing and keep going from there with them!
We're to the point now that Jocelyn has a "chore chart" that I made for her and she puts stickers on it when she does a chore on her own. Once she reaches a certain number she gets a small allowance for being so helpful!
 Give these a try! They'll really be helpful and rewarding to your kids to try them!!

- Stephanie

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Apple Cinnamon Muffins

Just threw these together!! Apple Cinnamon muffins with a cream cheese cinnamon/brown sugar icing on top! They were really pretty good! I thought the flavors were all a little strong for me, but my husband LOVED them!!! I definitely think I'm going to make cupcakes with these flavors next time! They'd be so delicious!

The muffins were from one of those Martha White mixes (I know, I cheated!! I'm bad!), and I added a good amount of cinnamon (enough for it to show in the mix) and then a tiny bit of brown sugar into the icing. I piped it onto the muffins and then sprinkled brown sugar on top of them! Yum!! :)
Hope you enjoy!


Friday, October 4, 2013

S'more Cake Please

These really remind me of s'mores and who doesn't LOVE a good s'more!!! I have been a Girl Scout my whole life and one of my favorite things at camp was always the Saturday night camp fires with those delectable treats, and songs and games! So many great memories were created on those nights with some of my best friends!! I loved going to camp! I can NOT wait for Jocelyn to be able to join the scouts!! I really hope she likes it! Her dad was a Boy Scout as well, so it's in her blood... Maybe!! :)

These delicious looking cupcakes look like something super unique to do during the fall for a party or celebration of some sort!
I unfortunately wasn't able to find a recipe. Boo. :(
I do know that the cupcake is chocolate, with a marshmallow filling, obviously. I just don't know what kind of icing they used here. I would guess a chocolate butter cream icing, maybe. You could totally make this your own, though!
We attend a small group every Wednesday night where we bring a dish to go with dinner... Being us sweet tooths we have brought a lot of desserts to far... I'm so putting these on my list for in the next few weeks to make and take with us!! I was considering going with the chocolate butter cream and then crushing up graham crackers and sprinkling them on top of the cupcakes! 
Either way, these babies look awesome! I can't wait to try them!

- Stephanie

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Kid-Friendly Tunes!

Moms, if you're looking for something different, maybe new, for your little ones to listen to while you're driving all over town I have two artists that are amazing!! (AND the best part for you is that you could enjoy them too!)
They aren't too repetitive, or annoying, and they're both children's Christian artists!! I seriously love these two CDs so much!

"We've Come Alive" By GO KIDS
This CD is energetic and will keep your kids going and dancing all day long! (This is my favorite of the two.)

"Look Up" by Gateway Next
This CD is so awesome! It has so much going on for it, too! Some fast songs, some slow songs. Your kids will love it!

I first discovered these two different artists over the summer. My husband and I volunteered for Church of the Highland's vacation bible school, Summer Blast!
We had so much fun!! We led a small group together for the week and it was so rewarding for the both of us to get to spend most of our days helping lead and teach these little kindergarteners about our AMAZING God!!! It is something we've decided to made a tradition and lead a group together every summer! 
I highly recommend you doing the same at your church if you don't already! It's so awesome to help little ones learn about God!
(Back to my point..) Every morning during worship at Summer Blast we sang and danced and worshiped to two songs by these two. We listened to "Look Up" by Gateway Next and "Jump" by Go Kids! I fell in love with these songs over the course of three days! And you will too!!! They are so incredible, really!
 The kids LOVED worship every morning and afternoon because they loved these songs!
Please give them a try! You're kids will think you're the best mom ever if you get these for the car rides from now on!
- Stephanie

Under The Sea

Check out these cute treats from Catch My Party!!
Eeek!! These are too adorable! I love octopuses and these are just too much! These would seriously be perfect for an under the sea party or a pirate party or maybe even mermaids!! And all they are, are marshmallows on sticks! Super easy. I really might just add these to the ever-growing list of projects for Jocelyn's birthday coming up! (I should really stop and just try to make it through Halloween and Christmas first!!)
Check more on these underwater critters and how to make them for your party here:

- Stephanie

Monday, September 30, 2013

An Obstacle of a "New" Mom

So, being new to this whole mom thing I really used all the help I could get when I was FIRST starting out. Now, when I say "new" I don't mean that I'm a new mother to an infant, having just given birth to him/her. I mean I'm new coming into a home with a toddler running around!! I NEEDED some help! Jocelyn loves me and I have no doubts about that, and I her... But we had some serious problems when I first became her Mom. Problems that I didn't even know I was going to be facing and having to deal with. I knew I was going to have to help potty train her and teach her and help her learn different things and cook and clean and... Well, raise her! But being a young mother some things never really crossed my mind about raising a child until those things happened.

For instance, after Jocelyn's birth mother left my husband and step-daughter she began to sleep with my husband in his bed at night. Which is COMPLETELY understandable! However, once we were married that needed to stop. That's not my four-year-old's bed... It's mine and my husband's and it's one of the FEW times we can be alone together and have time to ourselves. We both felt that it was an invasion of space. So, we started having her sleep in her own bed.... It.... didn't really work as well as planned. 
She started waking up in the middle of the night around 2:00 AM and coming in there then and waking us both up!! It was horrible! We didn't know what to do, because no matter what we did she would come in there and crawl right into bed. We started looking at this saying it needed to stop now! We didn't want a 6 or 7 year-old doing this in a few years and that's what was going to happen if we didn't solve this!

I started researching different ways to prevent this from continuing. We tried so many different things, nothing really worked. I finally found a solution, though!! 
Every night we put her in her bed, explaining as we did this that this was her bed, her big girl bed and that this is where she slept, not with mommy and daddy. She asked questions, of course, and we answered them truthfully... And every night she still would come into our bed. And when she did one of us would scoop her up and take her back to her bed, crying and all, and explain again to her that this was her bed and where she slept. We also told her that if it were storming, or if she had a nightmare, or something serious like that, she could come and wake us up, but that those were the only times she could come to our bed.
This continued for a good few weeks, but slowly it started to stop!! She did come crawl into bed every morning that she got up for a while after we started doing this. We decided to let it happen and work on that once we got the middle of the night trips taken care of!
And we did!!! She doesn't come in there unless she needs us or it's stormy anymore, and the only time she comes into our room in the morning is to state that she's hungry!

If you're having issues with your toddlers I would strongly suggest lots of research on whatever it is! You'll either run across the same solution a number of times, proving that it works, or you'll try out a ton of different ones that may or may not work for you! But in the end just follow your gut and you'll figure out what's best for you and your family!

Thanks so much for listening to my story on being "new." I'm sure there'll be many more to come!!
- Stephanie

Cookie Mummy Pops

These yummy mummies look like so much fun to make with your kids for Halloween!! I found them over at Catch My Party and they are just adorable!!

All you need to make these cute cookies is:
Sugar cookie dough
Vanilla icing
Candy eyes
Lollipop sticks

And you put them all together and you create this super cute Halloween treats for you kids or party or classroom!!

The full tutorial for these cookies can be found on Catch My Party here:
All I need to make these happen are the eyes and sticks!! Seriously thinking about going out to find those two things to make these in a few weeks for Jocelyn and her classroom, maybe!!

- Stephanie

Fall Work Packets for Kids

Here's something fun for kids, of all ages, to do to celebrate the arrival of fall and help them learn more!! It has three different downloadable packets to work with and a fourth one for toddlers to practice writing, patterns, shapes, and some letters!
The first three packets had so many different activities to choose from! A good bit on writing, and sentence structure, and word families. Then a number of different hands on math worksheets, and then some patterns and matching!!

The activities looked like fun and it'd be great for those home schoolers to work on!!
Go download some of them!! They're totally FREE too!!!

- Stephanie